Source code for qbfutures.core

import itertools
import os
import time
import sys

    from concurrent.futures import _base
except ImportError:
    for x in sorted(os.environ.iteritems()):
        print '%s = %s' % x
    print '\n'.join(sys.path)
import qb

from . import utils
from . import poller

__also_reload = ['.utils', '.poller']

# Create one poller.
_poller = poller.Poller()
del poller

[docs]class Future(_base.Future):
"""A Future representing a unit of work on Qube.""" def __init__(self, job_id, work_id): super(Future, self).__init__() #: The Qube job ID. self.job_id = job_id #: The index of this work item into the job's agenda. self.work_id = work_id def __repr__(self): res = super(Future, self).__repr__() if res.startswith('<Future '): res = ('<qbfutures.Future %d:%d ' % (self.job_id, self.work_id)) + res[8:] return res def status(self): """Get the current status for this particular work item.""" job = qb.jobinfo(id=[self.job_id]) return job[0]['agenda'][self.work_id]['status'] class BatchFuture(Future): def __init__(self, work): super(BatchFuture, self).__init__(0, 0) = work
[docs]class Batch(object):
"""Pseudo-executor that submits callables into a single Qube job. Be careful not to use any of the resulting futures until the jobs have been submitted, either by using the ``Batch`` as a context manager, or calling :func:`~qbfutures.core.Batch.commit`. """ def __init__(self, executor, job): self.executor = executor self.job = job self.futures = [] @property def job_id(self): return self.job.job_id def submit(self, func, *args, **kwargs): """Same as :func:`Executor.submit <qbfutures.Executor.submit>`""" return self.submit_ext(func, args, kwargs) def submit_ext(self, func, args=None, kwargs=None, **extra): """Same as :meth:`Executor.submit_ext <qbfutures.Executor.submit_ext>`, except extra keyword arguments are passed to the ``qb.Work``. """ work = qb.Work() work['name'] = extra.get('name', '%d: %s' % (len(self.futures) + 1, utils.get_func_name(func)) ) work['package'] = utils.pack(self.executor._base_work_package(func, args, kwargs, extra)) future = BatchFuture(work) self.futures.append(future) return future def map(self, func, *iterables, **extra): """Same as :meth:` <>`, except extra keyword arguments are passed to the ``qb.Work``. """ futures = [] for i, args in enumerate(zip(*iterables)): work = qb.Work() package = self.executor._base_work_package(func, args, None, extra) work['name'] = package.pop('name', str(i + 1)) work['package'] = utils.pack(package) future = BatchFuture(work) futures.append(future) self.futures.append(future) return self.executor._map_iter(futures, extra.get('timeout')) def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, *exc_info): if not exc_info[0]: self.commit() def commit(self): """Perform the actual job submittion. Called automatically if used as a context manager.""" if not self.futures: return [] self.job['agenda'] = [ for future in self.futures] submitted = qb.submit([self.job]) assert len(submitted) == 1 for i, future in enumerate(self.futures): future.job_id = submitted[0]['id'] future.work_id = i _poller.add(future) _poller.trigger() return self.futures
[docs]class Executor(_base.Executor):
"""An object which provides methods to execute functions asynchonously on Qube. Any keyword arguments passed to the constructor are used as a template for every job submitted to Qube. """ environ_passthroughs = ['VEE_EXEC_ARGS', 'KS_DEV_ARGS'] def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(Executor, self).__init__() self.defaults = kwargs def _base_job(self, func, **kwargs): job = dict(self.defaults) job.update(kwargs) job.setdefault('prototype', 'qbfutures') job.setdefault('name', 'QBFutures: %s' % utils.get_func_name(func)) job['name'] = str(job['name']) # Make sure this is a clean dict. job['env'] = dict(job.get('env') or {}) # For bootstrapping development of this package. job['env']['QBFUTURES_DIR'] = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(__file__, '..', '..')) # Passthrough select environment variables. for name in itertools.chain(self.environ_passthroughs, ('QBFUTURES_RECURSION_LIMIT', )): if name in os.environ: job['env'][name] = os.environ[name] # Make sure the recursion depth isn't too high. depth = int(os.environ.get('QBLVL', 0)) limit = int(os.environ.get('QBFUTURES_RECURSION_LIMIT', 4)) if depth > limit: raise RuntimeError('Qube recursion reached limit of %s' % limit) job['env']['QBLVL'] = str(depth + 1) job['agenda'] = [] job['package'] = {} return job def _base_work_package(self, func, args=None, kwargs=None, extra=None): package = { 'func': func, 'args': args or (), 'kwargs': dict(kwargs or {}), } extra = extra or {} for attr in ('interpreter', 'name'): if attr in self.defaults: package[attr] = self.defaults[attr] if attr in extra: package[attr] = extra[attr] return package def _submit(self, job): # Final chance for cleanup! Qube does not like None names. try: if job['user'] is None: job.pop('user') except KeyError: pass # Assign a default user from the environment. try: job.setdefault('user', os.environ['QBFUTURES_USER']) except KeyError: pass job_id = qb.submit([job])[0]['id'] futures = [] for work_id, work in enumerate(job['agenda']): future = Future(job_id, work_id) futures.append(future) _poller.add(future) _poller.trigger() return futures def submit(self, func, *args, **kwargs): """Schedules the given callable to be executed as ``func(*args, **kwargs)``. :returns: The :class:`~qbfutures.Future` linked to the submitted job. """ return self.submit_ext(func, args, kwargs) def submit_ext(self, func, args=None, kwargs=None, **extra): """Extended submission with more control over Qube job. :param func: The function to call. :param list args: The positional arguments to call with. :param dict kwargs: The keyword arguments to call with. :param **extra: Values to pass through to the ``qb.Job``. :returns: The :class:`~qbfutures.Future` linked to the submitted job. """ job = self._base_job(func, **extra) work = qb.Work() package = self._base_work_package(func, args, kwargs, extra) work['name'] = str(package.pop('name', '1')) work['package'] = utils.pack(package) job['agenda'] = [work] return self._submit(job)[0] def map(self, func, *iterables, **extra): """Equivalent to ``map(func, *iterables)`` except ``func`` is executed asynchronously on Qube. :param timeout: The number of seconds to wait for results, or ``None``. Any other keyword arguments will be passed through to the ``qb.Job``:: >>> for result in Executor().map(my_function, range(10), cpus=4): ... print result """ job = self._base_job(func, **extra) for i, args in enumerate(zip(*iterables)): work = qb.Work() package = self._base_work_package(func, args, None, extra) work['name'] = package.pop('name', str(i + 1)) work['package'] = utils.pack(package) job['agenda'].append(work) futures = self._submit(job) return self._map_iter(futures, extra.get('timeout')) def _map_iter(self, futures, timeout): if timeout is not None: end_time = timeout + time.time() try: for future in futures: if timeout is None: yield future.result() else: yield future.result(end_time - time.time()) finally: for future in futures: future.cancel() def batch(self, name=None, **kwargs): """Start a batch process. :param str name: The name of the Qube job. :param \**kwargs: Other parameters for the Qube job. :returns: The :class:`~qbfutures.core.Batch` to use to schedule jobs in a batch. :: >>> with Executor().batch() as batch: ... f1 = batch.submit(first_function) ... f2 = batch.submit(second_function) ... >>> print f1.results() """ if name is not None: kwargs['name'] = name job = self._base_job(None, **kwargs) return Batch(self, job)